Sermon Archive

4 sermons available

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Active filter: Service: Sunday Morning (x) , Series: Miscellaneous (x) , Date: 2022 (x), August (x)
Preacher: Aaron Waters (1), Rev. John Kearns (1), Rev. Lee Jennings (1), Phil Dobson (1).
Book: Psalm (1), Matthew (1), John (1), Philippians (1).

To Live Is Christ
Philippians 1:20-26
Sermon series: Miscellaneous
Preached by Aaron Waters on 28th August 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Words Meet Reality
Matthew 5:1-10
Sermon series: Miscellaneous
Preached by Rev. John Kearns on 21st August 2022 (Sunday Morning)
God Is With You
John 21:1-14
Sermon series: Miscellaneous
Preached by Rev. Lee Jennings on 14th August 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Psalm 95:1-11
Sermon series: Miscellaneous
Preached by Phil Dobson on 7th August 2022 (Sunday Morning)