Who Let the Dads Out?

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25th February 2017 @ 09:00 – 10:30

A monthly programme for dads, grandads and ‘father-figures’ and their kids (8 years old and younger) on the fourth Saturday of each month.  There will be food, fellowship and lots of fun involved!!  For more information please contact Pastor Lee Jennings at the church office.



Men’s CVM Conference

When: 11th March 2017 @ 09:30 – 16:00

The Men’s CVM (Christian Vision for Men) day conference will be an exciting opportunity to gather men together from across the city and the Northwest region to encourage each other in their faith and receive fresh inspiration in how to share the gospel in our everyday world!  The day will kick off at 9:30am and[…]

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Band of Brothers – Men’s Breakfast with Guest Speaker, Chris Jones

When: 21st May 2016 @ 09:00 – 11:00

Nothing exemplifies the transformation in Chris Jones better than his personal baggage.  When he was a barely controlled thug in Welsh rugby he would carry an axe in his kit-bag – ‘just in case things got a bit difficult’.  Now he keeps a copy of the New Testament instead.  Come listen to Chris and his[…]

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