22nd April 2016 @ 19:30 – 21:30
Our guest speaker for the evening is Steve Robinson. Steve is Liverpool born and bred. He grew up in a Christian home and from an early age was involved in all areas of church life. Before entering into full-time ministry, he served the community as a police officer, and later as the national Development Director for Samaritan’s Purse International.
The number of men committing suicide is greater than ever before. Steve will look at how we can tackle the growing problem practically and helping guys to be open about their problems.
We will meeting in the Youth wing of the Hope Centre, 7:30 start. For more details contact the church office – 0151 291 6640.
14th April 2016 @ 17:00 – 17th April 2016 @ 17:00
ORBC will be hosting the Kampala Children’s Centre Choir from Thursday, April 14th through Monday, April 17th. The group will involved with many activities in the community while they are here, which includes an evening concert on Thursday (14th) at ORBC starting at 7:30pm….tickets are £5.00 per person, and can be purchased from the church[…]
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26th September 2015 @ 19:00
Band of Brothers presents England vs. Wales in the Rugby World Cup with BBQ starting at 7:00pm (Contact Dave Elliott for more details)
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14th September 2016 @ 19:30 – 21:30
This church meeting is very important in the life of the church. All are welcome; if you don’t normally go to a small group or are not a church member please do come along!
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