Ladies Christmas Gathering

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11th December 2015 @ 18:00 – 22:00

Ladies, you’re cordially invited to come and celebrate the joys of Christmas — friends, food and lots of fun!!  Fantastic!! For more details please contact Nettie Halliday.


Lecture – Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels

When: 16th September 2015 @ 19:30 – 21:30

Old Roan Baptist Church will host an evening lecture to discuss the scientific evidence surrounding creation given by Dr. Robert Carter of Creation Ministries International. Dr. Carter will look at the claims of evolution and also unpack the Biblical account of creation, in order to answer the big question of life, ‘Where did we come[…]

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Church Walk & Picnic

When: 8th August 2015 @ 10:00

The next planned Church Walk and Picnic will take place on Saturday, August 8th leaving the church at 10:00 am. The walk will start from Witton Country Park near Blackburn and will be a 6 mile walk across beautiful countryside and rivers. It is likely to be muddy in areas, so come prepared.  For more[…]

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