‘New Life’ Informal Evenings at Cafe Hope

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13th October 2016 @ 19:30 – 21:00

A series of informal discussion evenings will commence on Thursday, October 13th to tackle some of life’s big questions such as “What is the point of life? Why are we here?”.  The discussions will be short, simple, relevant and open to all.  All served up with our customary tea, coffee and cakes!!  Why not come along and join us?  Sessions start at 7:30pm.  For more information contact the church office.


Lecture – Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels

When: 16th September 2015 @ 19:30 – 21:30

Old Roan Baptist Church will host an evening lecture to discuss the scientific evidence surrounding creation given by Dr. Robert Carter of Creation Ministries International. Dr. Carter will look at the claims of evolution and also unpack the Biblical account of creation, in order to answer the big question of life, ‘Where did we come[…]

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