16th April 2016 @ 10:00
Leaving the church at 10:00am; for more information contact Dave or Sarah Elliott.
19th February 2016 @ 19:30 – 21:30
Our guest speaker is Dave Connolly. We will look at the strategy of Satan and how as men we can prepare to face our enemy. Dave is a founding pastor of Frontline Church in Wavertree, Liverpool. Dave is from Liverpool, the city in which he believes God is going to transform through the power of[…]
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27th January 2017 @ 19:30 – 21:30
The first Band of Brothers meeting for 2017!! Making a great start to the New Year with singing Praise anthems with the Hope Centre worship band and sharing Testimonies of God’s faithfulness! The evening promises to be encouraging and inspirational!! Why not come and join us at the Hope Centre, 7:30pm start. For more details[…]
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11th June 2016 @ 10:00
Leaving the church at 9:45am; walking in Ellesmere, Shropshire. Returning back to Aintree at approx. 5pm. For more information contact Dave or Sarah Elliott.
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